
Oct 17, 20233 min

5 Powerful Commercials That Emboldened Women's Aspirations

Every year since 2012, 11th October is observed as the International Girl Child Day to focus on the importance of girls' education, their rights, and promoting gender equality. Over the last century, the world has progressed tremendously regarding giving women their rights and safeguarding their interests. Moreover, brands these days have understood the significance of celebrating women’s struggles and their ambitions in a society that is still heavily inclined toward men. Today, let’s look at some ad campaigns that highlight the issues women face every day and showcase what women are capable of achieving.

So, here are 5 impactful commercials that sought to give wings to women’s aspirations.

1. Nanhi Kali & Nestle: Educate The Gil Child (2016)

Indian NGO Nanhi Kali and Nestle India came up with a heart-touching ad campaign in 2016 with a very strong message about educating the girl child.

The advert shows a little girl cutting her hair and wearing the school uniform of her brother. When enquired about it by her friend, she says that she wants to look like a boy so that she can continue studying as her father only wanted to send her brother to school. The 50-second spot beautifully addresses the issue of many South Asian parents who are reluctant to send their daughters to school as their sole concern regarding them is to get them married off at the earliest. Although this situation has changed extensively over the last few decades, many parents still hesitate to educate their daughters due several to socio-economic factors.

2. The Global Goals: Freedom (2017)

United Nations Development Goals, also known as The Global Goals, released an impressive video in 2017 featuring ‘Freedom’ by Beyoncé, calling for action on some of the biggest challenges girls face like access to education, child marriage, and the threat of violence.

The video shows little girls grooving to Beyonce’s music while several hard-hitting facts hit us one after another. For example, did you know that one out of every four girls is married as a child and every five minutes a girl dies because of violence? No? Well, enjoy the ad as these numbers sink in!

3. United Nations Foundation: Equal Everywhere (2022)

The United Nations Foundation released this 80-second spot last year to showcase everything that women have achieved over the years and how they stand as equals in front of their male counterparts.

The video shows that from violence and poverty to discrimination and displacement, girls in every country experience gender inequality. However, girls are rising to these challenges in larger numbers than ever before and raising their voices on behalf of one another. The video also features women like Malala Yousafzai who stood for their rights as well as many others like them. The message- women are equal, everywhere!

4. UNICEF & YouTube: Priyanka Chopra Ad (2018)

In 2018, UNICEF, in partnership with YouTube, released an amazing 30-second video featuring its Goodwill Ambassador Priyanka Chopra.

The advert showcases Priyanka in a classroom shedding light on what the world expects of women, how they want them to behave, and why girls should give up education. But the response from young girls is truly heartening as each one of them seeks to become either a doctor, a lawyer, or a scientist.

Like the African proverb says, educating a woman means educating an entire country!

5. Beside Not Behind (2018)

This powerful video by independent artists was released on the eve of International Women’s Day in 2018.

This 60-second spot plays on the old saying that “Behind every great man is a great woman” and promotes the message that support can, and should, go both ways. The conversation around gender equality and feminism needs to change from divisive messages of "women vs men" and “us and them” but how we need to work together in the gender debate to make positive change happen. Women standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their male counterparts instead of remaining behind men in supporting roles- now that’s what true gender equality looks like!

Wrapping Up

And that was a wrap of some of the best commercials that highlighted women’s aspirations. As stated above, the world has changed by leaps and bounds over the years as far as granting women’s rights is concerned. However, there is still a lot that needs to be done to make the world truly special for everyone, including women!

We’ll be back with more amazing videos for you. Till then, stay tuned!