
Sep 14, 20223 min

Google Ad Insights – How it Can Help you Generate a Higher ROI

Google Ad has been a popular way for businesses to advertise online for many years. It is an effective way to reach potential customers and can be customized to target specific audiences. Google Ad is also a cost-effective way to advertise, as businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad.

In 2020, Google launched Insights, a tool designed to help marketers better understand how their ads are performing. The Insight feature provides forecasts about demand, action insights, performance shifts, and more.

What is Google Insight

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, it's important to know what's trending - and that's where Google Ad Insights comes in. It provides advertisers with a sense of the keywords and audiences that are gaining traction. So, whether you're looking to tweak your existing campaigns or create new ones, Insights is a valuable tool.

In addition to providing detailed data on ad performance, it also offers recommendations on how to improve campaigns. For example, if a campaign is underperforming, Insight may suggest changes like increasing bids or changing ad copy.

How to use Google Ad Insights for your campaign?

Google has long been the go-to source for businesses seeking online insights and data. The search engine offers a variety of tools to help businesses track their online activity and performance, including the new Insights page that promises to deliver even more customized insights based on your business account.

The idea behind the tool is to deliver relevant trends and opportunities directly to businesses, making it easier for them to stay ahead of the competition.

Here is how marketers can take advantage of Insights.

Find New Keywords and Audience

Google Ads Insight can help you find new keywords and audiences for your business. It allows you to see how people are searching for your products or services, and then you can target your ads to them. You can also use it to see what keywords are most popular with your target audience, and then you can use those keywords to get more traffic to your website.

However, not every suggestion that Google Ads Insight makes will be relevant to your business. You will need to use your own judgment to determine which keywords and audiences are worth targeting.

Find popular locations

Google is no stranger to location-based advertising and marketing. The company has been using its vast trove of data to target ads and content to users based on their location for years.

When it comes to finding popular locations, Google Insights is a great resource. The tool provides search interest by city and State, making it easy to see which areas are trending. The data will give marketers an idea of where people are searching for the trend they're interested in. You can use this information to target your marketing efforts or to choose a location for your business.

Keep up with changing consumer behavior

Paid traffic converts 50% better than organic traffic, so you can’t miss any opportunity to get more traffic to your website and this includes optimizing your ads as per changing consumer behavior.

For a business owner, it's important to keep up with changing consumer behavior to stay ahead of the competition, and Google's "Insights" feature can help you do just that. It works by using your account's performance history, campaign settings, and trends across Google to automatically generate insights. The information generated can be invaluable in helping you adjust your marketing strategy to better meet the needs of your target audience.

Explore and expand

We all know that we should constantly be learning and growing, but it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and lose sight of the bigger picture. The Insights tab on Google Ads is designed to help you stay on top of your game by giving you insights into your account performance.

You can see things like how your campaigns are performing, what keywords are driving the most traffic, and where your ads are being seen. All this data can help you make informed decisions about your campaigns and ensure that you're always learning and growing.

Key Takeaway

Google Insights can help you generate a higher ROI by understanding your customer’s needs and targeting your ads accordingly. By using the data from Insights, you can improve your ad campaigns to better suit your target audience, resulting in more clicks and conversions.