
Apr 20, 20233 min

Learn to Maximize Your Email Campaigns With A/B Testing

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

You invested time in creating the perfect email campaign, but now how do you get the most out of it? A/B testing is what you’re looking for.

A/B testing, also known as split-testing, is a technique used to compare two different versions of an email in order to determine which performs better. This process can give you valuable insights into what works best with your target audience and which elements are influencing the success of your campaign.

By taking advantage of A/B testing for your next email campaign, you can ensure that your content, tone, and design elements reach their full potential and maximize ROI. In this article, we'll explore how A/B testing can help optimize your digital marketing campaigns from concept to completion.

What Elements Should You A/B Test in Your Email Campaigns?

When it comes to optimizing your email campaigns, there are several elements you should consider running A/B tests on. The most common A/B tests involve testing different subject lines and preheaders to see which one garners the most opens. You can also experiment with different layout designs, fonts, images, and graphics, as well as CTAs (call-to-actions) and copywriting.

Testing out various elements can be a great way to see what resonates best with your target audience. For example, you can test out different subject lines to find the one that grabs people's attention the most and entices them to open your email. Additionally, you can try different layouts and CTAs to see which combination results in more conversions.

By testing out different components in your email campaigns, you can collect valuable data about what works for your audience and what doesn’t—providing you with a wealth of insights for future campaigns.

How to Conduct an A/B Test Correctly?

The key here is to test just one element at a time, so you can really tell what change made the difference. To set up your A/B test:

  1. Choose something to be tested: subject lines, email formats, calls-to-action (CTAs), and other variables are all possible things to A/B test.

  2. Create an A & B version of the chosen variable: if testing subject lines, create two versions (A & B); if testing CTA button placement, create two versions, and so on.

  3. Send out each version to similar contacts: use identical sending times and contact lists for each version and keep any other variables constant.

  4. Analyze the results of the test: you'll be able to look at which version of the variable had higher open rates or click-throughs and inform future decisions from there.

While it can take some time for results to come in from A/B tests, done correctly they will provide valuable data about what works with your target audience for future campaigns - making them well worth the effort! No wonder 77% of companies are running A/B testing on their website.

Tips for Successful A/B Testing Email Campaigns

Not sure where to start when it comes to A/B testing your next email campaign? Here are some tips that can help you maximize the performance of your emails.

Set Goals

Before you begin, set goals for what you want to achieve from the A/B test. Do you want to increase open rates? Do you want to increase click-throughs? Knowing what your goals are can help focus your tests and make it easier to measure the performance of the campaigns.

Split Your Audience

Split your email list into two (or more) groups and send out different versions of the same email. This way, you can compare which version performed better and use that information to refine future campaigns. You may also want to consider targeting new segments with each version, such as age or gender, or even customer segmentation.

Test Variables

The trick is not just changing one element of your email during an A/B test but testing multiple variables so that you can see what works and what doesn't. Some of the variables you may want to consider include:

  • Subject line length and style

  • Content length

  • Copywriting tone and length

  • Imagery

  • Call-to-Action button placement and text

By testing out different combinations, you can get a better understanding of how people interact with your emails in different ways—and use these insights for future campaigns too!


A/B testing is a powerful tool for email campaigns and can help you maximize your results. Testing different variants of your emails can help you better understand what resonates with your particular audience, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

Overall, A/B testing is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns and make sure your hard work pays off. By testing different factors and tracking the results, you'll be able to get the best possible results from your campaigns and maximize your success.