Just like other industry sectors, the Financial sector has also become an integral part of the digital network. These days, every bank transaction and trade is made through online channels.
Financial firms put a lot of money into the marketing of these services and in making them better day after day. A clear proof of this is the digital ad spending of the US financial services industry, which was projected to reach US$19.62 billion in 2020.
If you are also looking to boost your financial firm's revenue and want to learn about some promising methods to create a stellar ad campaign, read ahead for some excellent examples!
3 Facebook Ad Campaigns by Financial Brands to Emulate
1) AIA Malaysia
Run Time:
April - June 2020
Target Region and Audience:
As the firm adopted some of Facebook’s best practices, their three-month ad campaign ended with brilliant outcomes.
The brand witnessed an 82% boost in the leads, along with a decent decline in cost per lead.
The pillar aim of the insurance provider of Malaysia was to increase leads and conversions while keeping the cost per lead low.
The approach followed by the insurance provider was a bit different than their previous campaigns. They employed advanced Facebook practices to reach maximum people and convert them into potential leads.
The key element of their approach was to make ads in multiple formats. The brand used its existing advertisements to make ad creatives and also photo ads optimized for mobile. Besides, AIA didn’t just focus on targeting ads based on specific language or niche sections, but also on the basis of the interest of the audience.
Moreover, the brand also retargeted ads to custom audiences based on website visits and lead form submissions. Lastly, they used automatic placements to let Facebook place ads automatically. To know which ads are performing the best, AIA leveraged the power of the campaign budget optimization tool.
Buyer’s Journey Targeted:
By means of super interactive advertisements for mobile, AIA designed a great way to make the viewers of the ad their customers.
First, they targeted users with impeccable and engaging ads for making an impact. And to make them consider the product of their firm, they added messaging videos that displayed the facilities of the product named A-Life Lady 360.
The firm also included the CTA of “Sign Up” just below the video so that the customers can sign up for the plan.
The Result:
The AIA ad campaign succeeded with flying colors; in the end, it garnered:
59% decrease in cost per lead
82% increase in leads
2.2X boost in the conversion rate of leads
Products Used:
Photo ads, Automatic placements, Custom audiences, Lookalike audiences
2) Webull
Run Time:
16 - 31 July 2020
Target Region and Audience:
Worldwide, people of ages 18-54
The adaptation of the full-funnel strategy by Webull roped in marvelous results for them. The ad campaign fostered a 3% boost in its brand awareness along with a 1.9% increase in usage intent.
Webull didn’t have only a single goal for their campaign. They wanted to explore different ways to market their services so as to boost app downloads, user awareness, and subsequently gain new users.
Approach and Buyer’s Journey:
Webull formulated a master plan to drive the users from awareness to the acquisition stage. Unlike their previous direct response campaigns, Webull tried other ways of marketing this time. They created some brilliant and engaging video, photo, and mobile app ads to make the users aware and stimulate their interest.
These ads were targeted to those between 18-54 years and had an interest in the brand, investing, and finance. To extend the outreach, the brand used reach and frequency buying to run ads on the audience network. They also leveraged Facebook’s brand lift study to measure the impact of the campaign.
Webull included various features of the app like investment fee-free trading, free paper trading, and others to make the users consider downloading the app. Lastly, they included the Learn more option under the ad along with the install option at the end of the ad to nudge the users to download the app.
The Facebook video and photo ads yielded the following results for the brand like:
14% increase in account top-ups
2.9X boost in reach as compared to direct response campaign
1.9% increase in usage intent
3% uplift in brand awareness
Products Used:
Carousel, Photo ads, Video ads, Audience network, Core audiences, Measurement
3) Viettel Pay
Run Time:
November 2019 - February 2020
Target Region and Audience:
The ten-week-long Facebook ad campaign witnessed an awesome response from the audience. The ad reached about 35 million people, and the ad recall rate went up by 8.4 points.
The primary goal of the ad campaign undertaken by Viettel Pay was to make people of Vietnam aware of the online payment method. With this, they wanted to boost the installs of their payment app.
Approach and Buyer’s Journey:
The approach opted by Viettel Pay was actually unique as they ran the campaign during Tet (Vietnamese New Year). In the initial phase of the campaign, the firm created ten ads showing issues that the users face with payments during the Tet period and how the app can solve it. These were targeted to specific audiences with the help of tools like interest targeting and custom audiences.
In the next phase of the ad campaign, the firm created mobile app install ads that focussed on some other great features of the app like shake and win. With this feature, the users could get a chance to win various cash prizes. Moreover, some poll ads were also created to engage the users and know about the issues they face in the Tet season.
The firm also used automatic placements along with reach and frequency targeting to reach out to people multiple times during the campaign. All this was done to smoothly manage the process of the customer journey. And in the end, the ad included an “Open Link” option that guided the users to the app download page.
The results delivered by the ad campaign were more than their anticipation. The campaign brought:
8.4 point boost in ad-recall
1.6 point lift in the awareness of the brand
1.1 point rise in action intent
Reached out to about 35 million people
Out of the total user acquisition, 40% was contributed by Facebook
Products Used:
Video ads, Ads in stories, Core audiences, Custom audiences
Wish to create your own Ad Campaign?
Creating an effective ad campaign can be either a cakewalk or rocket science. The thing that will make a difference will be the process and strategy that you opt for.
The strategies used by the above-described firms may not necessarily work for you. Your business scope and objective, as well as your target audience, must be considered when strategising.
Lastly, it is also important to choose the right tools to run your ad campaign. Keep a close check on all of these factors while building your ad campaign and you'll do well.