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  • Writer's pictureJefrey Gomez

5 Best Backend Development Tools that You Should Consider

While all the appreciation from users is reserved for front end developers when they visit a site, the role of back end developers in helping the site function smoothly can’t sometimes be under-appreciated. Back end developers put in all the hard work to ensure that the beautiful looking site actually lives up to its appearance and helps the user scout through the site with the utmost ease.

It wouldn’t be hyperbolic to say that without adequate back end development, the website wouldn’t be anything more than boring static landing pages.

However, backend development is often perceived to be more challenging than frontend, which often leads young developers to opt for frontend development. But while backend development is difficult to learn, it isn’t insurmountable by any stretch of imagination.

So, here we are with 5 great backend development tools that you can use while designing your next website.

1. Laravel

Laravel is undoubtedly the most popular PHP framework and is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. It has got an intuitive interface, quality API support, and extensive libraries, which makes it ideal for simplifying the development of secure web applications.

It offers programmers a simple and readable syntax with database-agnostic migrations. Moreover, you won’t need to install a web server on your local machine as its official integrated development environment (IDE) doesn’t require that.

Laravel offers a great medium for the development of secure sites as it generates encrypted passwords. Also, it provides new users with video “Laracasts”, which helps them learn the fundamentals of Laravel.

2. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an excellent tool if you are just getting started in website development. Ruby is a development framework for the Ruby programming language and provides users with a natural and simple syntax that helps greatly in cutting down the coding time.

As Ruby has a massive community, it gives developers access to an extensive library of open-source code. It is itself an open-source tool. Ruby is compatible with design patterns like MVC and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

While many argue that Ruby isn’t as quick as Java or C, its speed is good enough for large websites like Shopify, Basecamp, and GitHub to be built on Ruby.

3. Apache

With almost 50% of the sites on the internet using it as their primary backend tool, Apache doesn’t need much of an introduction. Apache is a free open-source web server software that connects your client-side and server-side and delivers the files between them.

While any web server could carry out the delivery tasks that Apache performs for its users, it also offers customization with modules that administrators can regulate by turning on and off, as and when needed.

While Apache will allow you to work at a high pace, it is not the most recommended tool for building sites that are supposed to carry a heavy traffic load. For high traffic sites, you may go for a solution like Nginx. However, if you are looking for some top-notch customization features and user-friendliness, you may go for Apache.

4. MongoDB

MongoDB is possibly the best solution for sites that require sorting copious amounts of unstructured and complicated data. It is a NoSQL database that helps developers sort data into documents instead of tables.

MongoDB stores data in binary JSON format, which makes it easy for users to pass data between server and client. Thus, MongDB enables the creation of complex structures, define relationships, and build hierarchies.

Developers can use MongoDB to create sites for custom user experience. Also, it uses demographics-related data and browsing history to understand user behaviour and create tailor-made solutions for individual users.

5. Stack Overflow

Regardless of how great a developer you are, it is unlikely that you will possess all the knowledge about backend development. This is where Stack Overflow comes in. It is the largest community of developers to learn and share their programming knowledge.

Stack Overflow is a powerful digital collaboration tool that allows developers to attain their end goals quickly by letting them share their proprietary information.

As a developer, you can get the answer to all your questions from some or other user in the Stack Overflow community. You can also use tags to find interesting questions, answer them, or even ask questions of your own. Also, you can edit your posts and enhance your reputation if people vote on your posts.

Wrapping Up

While choosing the best backend development tool for your needs might not be that easy, analyzing your needs and then considering the application use case can make your job easier. Although working with a familiar framework might be more comfortable, there might be times when you may need to switch to a new technology, which can be both fun and a great learning experience.


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