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2022 Affiliate Marketing Trends - A Useful Guide

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

The affiliate marketing industry has come a long way in the past five years. But, as the evolution of online marketing continues, experts predict there will be even bigger and better trends in the coming year.

One of the biggest challenges in affiliate marketing is to stay on top of the constantly changing dynamics of the industry. This includes the technology used by people to communicate with each other, the products and services offered by different companies, and the competition that is always trying to outdo you.

With about a 10.1% increase in affiliate marketing budgets in the US each year, the industry is changing faster, and if you aren’t keeping up, you could soon find yourself left behind. Here are the five affiliate marketing trends that you should watch in 2022.

Solution Based Affiliate Marketing

The thing that has changed most is that now, people are very conscious of the value of what they are buying. They are more likely to research what they buy before actually purchasing it, which was not always the case.

Because of this trend, we expect affiliate marketing to be driven by solution-based case studies and advertising. It will not be limited to just creating hype, meaning that affiliates will need to prove the value of their offers and services, rather than just spouting off a lot of sales copy.

Utilization of Influencer Marketing

Instagram has been leading in using influencers to target various products. With the advent of content creation and the rise of social media, influencers have been in the limelight, and it’s only a matter of time before more and more affiliate marketing platforms and brands start paying attention to them.

Influencer marketing is all about tapping into an audience that is already passionate about a brand, product, or service and using that influence to help your business gain exposure.

Micro Niches Will Grow

Micro-niches are the new trends, and they are going to be huge. With the average Internet user spending 5 hours/day on the web, micro-niche markets are the perfect opportunity for affiliate marketers. The reason for this is that if you can find a product niche that is relevant to your target audience and has a low barrier to entry, then your affiliate marketing is guaranteed to bring in consistent commissions.

The most successful affiliate marketers are the ones that find a way to tap into these niche markets and turn them into their regular income.

Selling Products Live

The future of eCommerce is live shopping, and that’s because of mobile technology. It’s been shown time and time again that consumers are spending more of their time online on mobile devices than they are on desktop computers, and this trend brings a lot of opportunities for affiliate marketers.

If you want to take advantage of this trend, start thinking about presenting your offer to a live audience and successfully converting them into hot leads.

Rise of Video Content for Affiliate Marketing

About 50% of people watch product or service videos before making a purchase, and the trend is likely to grow in 2022. Video content can be an amazing asset for your affiliate marketing efforts.

About 66% of Video marketers report receiving more qualified leads per year from video content than other channels. Not only does it help to improve the quality and quantity of traffic you send to the targeted website, but it also provides you with a wealth of super-valuable data about the customers. When this data is combined with the statistics you already have, it becomes easy to tailor the marketing messages and campaigns with much greater precision.


In conclusion, if you are serious about making your affiliate marketing business successful, you need to pay attention to the above trends that would likely be a powerful driver of profitable growth for your 2022 affiliate marketing strategy.

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