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3 Successful Ecommerce Brands that Boosted their Sales using Instagram Stories

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

The ecommerce industry has bought a significant change in the way of doing business over the years. The enhanced capabilities and ease of shopping it has provided to the consumers is truly remarkable. The various brands in the industry not only have their specific websites but use every possible platform to promote their business.

Instagram is widely used by the ecommerce brands to build their brand awareness, engagement with the users, and eventually increase sales. Instagram has grown to 500 million monthly active users, signifying the potential that it holds for reaching out to the customers.

Based on research by Synclarity, the engagement of users with brands on Instagram is far more than that of any other social media platform. It suggests,

  • Instagram has a young population aged between 17-34 years and has a better conversion rate.

  • Instagram is 59% more effective for growing engagements.

  • Instagram stories have a higher visibility for advertisements.

It will be an excellent accelerator for growing the sales process of your brand. Here are some examples that show the results you can achieve by promoting your brand on Instagram stories.

3 Brands whose Sales Boosted through Instagram Stories

Not a Model

Run Time: 6 Days in March 2020

Target Region and Audience: Worldwide, 18 to 65-Year Old Women


The goal of Not a Model is to empower women globally by helping the women entrepreneurs to start and grow their business. The focus was to boost book sales to make women comprehend the impact of advertisements through Instagram stories on campaign results.


Not a Model observed a whopping increment in its sales rate by 82% over the 6-day ad campaign on Instagram.


To achieve the desired results, two campaigns were separately set up, one with and another without the Instagram stories. The campaign showcased the video advertisement by founder Marina de Giovanni and two separate animated videos that explained the influence of Instagram on the growth of your business. The ads were a medium to encourage people to visit the brand’s website and purchase books and other products.

The Measurements:

The conducted split test was done to check the value of ads in Insta stories. For the calculation of the test, the results of both campaigns, with and without ads in Instagram stories were compared to one another.

The Result:

  • The sales of the products went up by a massive 82%.

  • 67% of the total people visited their website through ads in Insta stories.

  • The brands had a 31% lower cost per conversion lift with advertisements.

Products Used:

Instagram Stories

Indosat Ooredoo

Run Time: Ten Days in August 2019

Target Region and Audience: Young people in Indonesia (18 - 35 Years)


The aim of the brand was to raise awareness and interest among the young population of Indonesia in their New Freedom plan. The plan highlighted their product’s unlimited calls and high-data package for the consumers.


Using branded content, augmented reality filters for Insta Stories, and Instagram Live, the brand reached out to over 33.9 million people in just ten days and lifted their sales by 5.7%.


Indosat carefully strategized their campaign around Indonesia’s Independence Day by partnering with a media house Omnicom PHP. Due to the high popularity of Instagram in Indonesia, they built a unique AR filter that offered people a traditional independence game.

Moreover, they added the game to Instagram Live that made people interact and compete with each other. To promote their products, they combined a link with the game post that directly landed on their product’s webpage.

Targeting Buyer’s Journey:

The 10-day campaign that ran after the country’s Independence Day used frequency targeting to run their ads and attract millions of people. In order to play the game, people went through their product’s pages which even increased conversion rates.


The result of the campaign was excellent for the brand as over 33.9 million people reached their website. It helped them to expand their sales by 5.7% in just ten days. Also, they witnessed an increase of 37% in the traffic of their website which was extremely large compared to any of their previous campaigns that used photo and video ads.

Products Used:

Instagram Live, Instagram stories, a unique AR filter, and branded content for attracting the audiences.

Hapa Kristin

Run Time: Over Ten Days in March 2020

Target Region and Audience: US women aged between 18 - 44


Hapa Kristin wanted to tap into the international market for their products and thus wanted to create a campaign that could have a high impact on the awareness of their brand.


Over a ten-day campaign of the brand, they were able to increase the traffic on their landing page by 50%. The organization also lowered the costs per landing page view by 33% through their campaigns.


The organization started running ads to acquire more customers for its brand. These contained polls in their Instagram stories that featured exclusive custom made GIF stickers. The sticker contained the brand character and messages such as Tap, Swipe up, and Order now that highlighted the CTA buttons in various Instagram stories. The interactive polls too were added for the audiences to show engagement in the process.

Targeting Buyer’s Journey:

For the consumers, the interactive polls and GIF stickers were a great source of entertainment. Using customized stickers, they started new conversations with friends and family that eventually resulted in bringing brand advertisements with a call to action buttons to their page.

The attractive ads served as an excellent way for them to check out the brand’s page and hence increasing the sales of the brand.


As a result of this wonderful campaign strategy, Hapa Kristin generated the following outcomes:

  • They got over 50% more views on their landing page.

  • An increase of 1.3X in click-through rate was seen.

  • The costs per landing page view of the brand lowered by 33%.

  • The total reach of consumers for the brand increased by 17%.

Wish to create your own Ad Campaign?

The results shown by all the given three brands prove that Instagram marketing strategy is an excellent source to promote your business and acquire loads of new customers. By implementing new and trending techniques on Insta, you can broaden the reach of your business and generate more sales for your products and services.

References for Data and Statistics

2. Synclarity Report:


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