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5 Effective and Easy Steps to Great Data Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication. It's a way to share experiences and emotions, build trust, and influence others. Brand storytelling can be used to create an emotional connection with customers, increase loyalty, and drive sales. When done well, stories can captivate and engage people, making them more likely to trust and believe in the brand.

Today, a lot of marketers are leveraging data storytelling to build rapport with their audiences, and if you don’t know how to come up with one, here are some steps to follow.

Start with the data

About 74% of companies say they want to be “data-driven,” as per Forrester, and similar is the case when it comes to storytelling.

The best marketers know how to use data to their advantage. They use data to understand their audience, craft more targeted messages, and measure the impact of their campaigns. By harnessing the power of data, marketers are able to create more compelling stories that resonate with their audience. There are several different ways to get data, but one of the best is to simply start collecting it yourself.

Apple is a great example of a company that uses storytelling effectively. Their ads are often emotional and tell a story about the product. They focus on the experience of using their products, rather than on features or specifications.

Choose a story type

Once you have your data, the next step is to choose a story type. There are several different story types that you can use, but some of the most popular include comparisons, trends, and personal stories.

· Comparisons are great for data sets that have two or more variables. For example, you could compare the average income of two different groups of people and how your product or service helped them.

· Trends are perfect for data sets that show how something is changing over time. For example, you could use trend data to show how the number of people using a particular product or service is increasing.

· Personal stories are ideal for data sets that are small and personal. For example, you could use a personal story to talk about your own experience with a particular product or service.

Whatever story you choose to tell, make sure that it is engaging and informative, and should be reflective of the brand's values and goals.

Find the story in the data

Once you have your data and you know what story you want to tell, it’s time to start looking for the story in the data. This is where you’ll need to use your analytical skills to find the patterns and trends in the data. You’ll need to start thinking about how you want to structure your story. What order do you want to present the data in? What are the most important points that you want to make?

Write the story

Once you’ve found the story in the data, it’s time to start writing. The key to great storytelling is to make sure that your story is easy to follow and understand, and be sure to include visuals to help illustrate your points. Also, avoid using technical jargon and keep the story clear and concise.

It’s also important to make sure that your story is interesting and engaging. This means using strong storytelling techniques, such as using vivid descriptions, creating suspense, and using emotional language.

End with Key Learning

As you come to the end of your data storytelling, it's important to summarize the key learnings and identify any action items. Concluding will help your audience understand the takeaway from your story and how they can apply it to their own lives or work.

Some questions to consider as you wrap up your story:

· What are the most important things your audience should remember?

· What are some potential obstacles to implementing your recommendations?

· What additional information or resources do they need to be successful?

Answering these questions will help you craft a strong conclusion that will leave your audience with a clear understanding of what they've learned and what they can do with that knowledge.

Wrapping Up

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create great data stories that will engage and inform your audience. Just remember to keep your audience in mind, be clear and concise, and use strong verbs to bring your story to life.

So don't wait any longer; start telling your story today!


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