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Writer's pictureJefrey Gomez

5 Marketing Analytics Tools Every Data Junkie Should Check Out

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

According to a 2016 Google-commissioned report, marketers who deploy 5 or more marketing analytics tools are 39% more likely to experience an improvement in the performance of their marketing programs.

While data is integral to all kinds of marketing efforts, some data is more valuable than other data, and identifying such data can sometimes be the difference between success and failure. This is where marketing analytics tools come and help you segregate the most important piece of data from the less important ones.

While there are various marketing analytics tools out there, it’s crucial that you know which ones are worth your time and money.

So, here are 5 marketing analytics tools that give your marketing strategy the push it needs to get propelled on to the success trajectory.

1. Google Analytics

Every list of top marketing analytics tools is incomplete without Google Analytics. It’s the sheet anchor in any digital marketing strategy because of its ability to cover so many bases simultaneously.

With Google Analytics, you can track lead sources to find out where your revenue is coming from, which will help you make a better call on where your efforts and money should go. For example, you can track leads and find out which social media platform is driving more leads to your site and develop your marketing strategy accordingly.

You can also use Google Analytics to identify organic, direct, and referral traffic, which will provide you with ample insights into how your digital marketing efforts have fared. For example, high organic traffic means that your SEO efforts are in the right direction.

Also, Google Analytics would inform you about your top-performing web pages and traffic sources with the highest lead ROI. And guess what, it’s entirely free, so there’s no excuse why you are still not using it!

2. MixPanel

MixPanel is a powerful marketing analytics tool that can provide you with valuable insights into the audience’s behaviour. It would provide you with extensive information on how people use mobile apps and websites.

You can either keep a tab on how users interact with your app or website as a whole or monitor individual buttons and features to track user interaction. And guess what, you can avail all these functionalities without putting in a single line of code, which means even if you’re from a non-technical background, you can access all the important data about your app or site.

While MixPanel has quite a few impressive clients like Twitch, Autodesk, and Salesforce, it comes quite cheap, which makes it accessible for small businesses too. If you have a complex app or site, you can benefit immensely from MixPanel’s insights.

MixPanel is free for the analysis of up to 25,000 data points per month (a data point is essentially any action that a user takes on a site like clicking a button or placing an order). The monthly subscription charges depend on the volume of data that is being analyzed.

3. BuzzSumo

Regardless of how many tools you have at your disposal to quantify your social media and content marketing efforts, you can never predict the next thing that would trend on social media platforms. However, this is where BuzzSumo comes in to help you find out what exactly would resonate with your audience.

BuzzSumo is a highly versatile social media and content analysis platform that keeps the user updated on the hottest topics that are trending across all the major social media platforms. Also, it lets you analyze data for an extensive time range- from the last 12 hours to spanning several months. Thus you can take a call on the topics that are enjoying the highest traction in your industry.

Also, it offers many additional functionalities like backlink information, content type filters, keyword search operators, and even influencing marketing features. You can then put this information on a spreadsheet and examine it in greater depth for your next project.

If you’re an individual blogger or have a small team, you can purchase BuzzSumo Pro for $99 per month. However, if you own an agency or a large brand, consider going for Agency or Enterprise solutions that cost $299 and $999 per month, respectively.

4. Ahrefs

Every marketer analyst worth their salt would know that marketing can’t happen in a vacuum; it entails keeping a constant tab on what your competitors are doing so that you remain ahead of the curve. Ahrefs is a one-of-its-kind tool that can provide you with all the information you need on your competitors’ marketing efforts, leads, and the traffic that they get on their site.

Ahrefs would let you analyze your competitors’ content, links, and social media campaigns. With its rank trackers and site audit features, you can also keep track of your site’s performance. You can use this information to develop your marketing strategy.

While the site explorer can help you channelize your SEO efforts in the right direction, the content feature will guide the output for your social media and blog posts. You can then compare your strategy with your competitors’.

5. Formisimo

While online forms are integral aspects of how people use the Internet, the ever-decreasing short attention span of people makes them incredibly challenging to convert visitors to clients. However, with Formisimo, you can have all the actionable data on why people fail to complete online forms.

The software makes an evaluation of real-time data from your website and compiles detailed reports based on your form’s comparison against 54 individual metrics. Thus, it will provide you with a clear picture on which parts of your form are the biggest deterrents in your visitors’ conversion to clients.

For all the benefits that it can deliver, Formisimo’s Startup package costs only $50 per month. If you own an agency, you can procure it for $180 per month.

Final Thoughts

Data is the cornerstone of any marketing campaign’s success, as it can help you identify how well your strategy is working, or if it is working at all. If you use the ideal analytics tools, you can leverage data to keep yourself ahead of your competitors. However, it’s critical that you know what services you need and how insights you’re looking for so that you can choose the right analytics tool.



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