The cold email is a valuable tool for salespeople to establish a connection with potential clients. It generates remarkable outcomes for your revenue and network when executed correctly.
What is a Cold Email?
Cold emailing is a subset of email marketing in which sales representatives send unsolicited emails to prospects with whom they have no prior relationship. Initially, I harboured reservations regarding its efficacy; however, it is a prevalent practice for a reason.
Is Cold Email Effective?
Cold emailing is effective when executed correctly, according to my observations. Cold emails enable a highly targeted approach in contrast to conventional advertising. Salespeople can establish direct connections with the potential consumers who will derive the most value from their products or services by conducting research on prospects and customising emails to meet their unique requirements. This is corroborated by research: 23% of sales professionals believe that unsolicited emailing is the most effective method of contacting prospects. Additionally, 21% of marketers assert that the most leads are generated by sending cold emails to prospects.
I will provide four unsolicited email best practices that I consistently adhere to in order to optimise my success rate.
Before Contacting the Individual, Conduct Research On Them
An email that is generic and universally applicable is always likely to be discarded. Prior to sending your message, allocate sufficient time to comprehend your prospect's business structure, industry trends, and prospective requirements. It demonstrates that you are genuinely interested in establishing a relationship and respect their time.
Therefore, what is the most effective method for conducting research? LinkedIn is the optimal starting point. Depending on the prospect, you may request a connection on that platform. This practice distinguishes your communication from generic sales presentations and enhances the credibility of your eventual cold email outreach.
Additionally, it is possible to evaluate the prospect's organization's website, with a particular emphasis on their most recent accomplishments. Create a frigid email that is highly personalised by utilising this information. This will distinguish your outreach endeavours, illustrate that you comprehend their distinctive circumstances, and aspire to assist them in their pursuit of success.
Avoid Using Anything That is Too General
Prioritising personalisation will ensure that your unsolicited emails are more memorable to your intended audience. Concentrate on the reason for your correspondence with this particular individual. Perhaps I would have opened the email if the correspondent had provided a rationale for referring to me as a "favoured customer" in comparison to others, or if the email had stated, "I have read your email marketing post and am a passionate advocate for your innovative personalisation strategies."
Indicate the manner in which you encountered the lead. It is a straightforward procedure; however, it demonstrates that you did not merely extract their contact information from a vast email list without any consideration.
Conduct a Strategic Follow-up
It may be difficult to acknowledge, but it is feasible to send an effective frigid email that fails to generate a response. In reality, the initial correspondence is frequently not responded to. Consequently, it is advisable to devise two or three deliberate endeavours that are separated by a few days or even weeks.
If you do not receive a response after that, it is time to proceed. People become irritated when an excessive number of messages are sent.
When sending a follow-up email, adhere to the following etiquette guidelines:
Timing is crucial. Allow the recipient sufficient time to read and contemplate your initial email without feeling hurried.
Demonstrate professionalism. Accept that the recipient may be preoccupied and that you do not harbour any animosity towards them if they have not yet responded.
Include value. Please include an additional pertinent article, insight, or offer that may be of interest to the prospect.
Maintain brevity. Reiterate the primary message of your initial email and convey your ongoing enthusiasm for establishing a relationship.
Show consideration for the prospect's privacy.
Respect the Privacy of the Prospect
Although personalisation is essential for cold emailing, it is important to refrain from using an excessive amount of personal information that may cause the recipient to feel uneasy. I would be uneasy if I were to investigate the individual's personal life or familial life. Therefore, I would advise against doing so. An illustration of this is as follows:
❝Thank you for your recent purchase of [Product] from our online store! We noticed you bought [Product] and wanted to reach out personally to see how you're enjoying it.
We've also taken the liberty to suggest some complementary products based on your purchase history:
[Product 1]
[Product 2]
We hope you find these suggestions helpful! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reply to this email directly.❞
In this example, the cold email fails to respect the prospect's privacy. While personalization can enhance customer experience, this email crosses a boundary by referencing a specific purchase without ensuring the recipient is comfortable with this level of detail being used in a marketing context.
Instead, demonstrate your sincere interest in their work by citing a professional accomplishment. An illustration of this is as follows:
❝I found your most recent article on LinkedIn regarding sustainable business practices to be quite insightful. I desired to contact you because...❞
Compose Your Email with a Distinct Intention
I can only compose a cold email that is both thoughtful and effective if I am aware of the reason for composing it in the first place. If I send an email solely to introduce myself without a clear purpose or call to action (CTA), the recipient is likely to be perplexed and, presumably, uninterested.
Please provide a detailed explanation as to why you are contacting the recipient in particular. Emphasise the reasons for your attraction to them and the significance of their existence. This serves as a reminder that they have a role to play and fosters a sense of obligation to take action. You can give a clear call-to-action at the end of your Email like the example given below:
❝Could we schedule a 15-minute call next week to discuss how [Your Company] can support your goals? Please let me know a convenient time or use my calendar link: [Your Calendar Link].❞
In this example, the cold email demonstrates a clear call-to-action. The use of phrases like "schedule a brief call" and "please let me know a time that works for you" encourages the prospect to take immediate action.
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