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Google Ads Bidding Strategies–Your Blueprint for Success

If you are involved in the marketing field, you will always be on the lookout for ways to optimize your Google Ads campaigns. Not that, but you will also want to make the most of your advertising budget.

One crucial factor that determines how well your Google Ads campaigns perform is your bidding strategy. It's worth noting that over 80% of Google advertisers opt for bidding. Selecting the bidding strategy based on your campaign objectives and budget can significantly impact factors such as reach impression share, click-through rate, conversion rate and return on investment.

In this guide, we will delve into the Google Ads bidding strategies. By implementing the bidding strategy, you are bound to set yourself up for success with Google Ads.

Manual Bidding in Google Ads: When and How to Use It

It is crucial to time manual bidding. Why? Because it gives you full control over your bids, allowing you to set maximum CPCs for keywords and placements. The average CPC or cost per click in Google Ads in 2023 is $4.22. But this strategy works well if:

You Have a Limited Budget

With manual bidding, you can ensure you do not exceed your daily budget by setting appropriate maximum CPCs. You can start with low initial bids and gradually increase them while monitoring your budget.

You Want to Target Specific Keywords

If you have a list of high-value keywords you want to target, manual bidding lets you focus your bids on those terms. You can set higher bids for vital keywords to increase their prominence and lower bids for less relevant terms.

You Are Launching a New Campaign

When launching a new campaign, manual bidding allows you to start with low initial bids as you gather data about performance. You can then adjust bids based on metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions to find the right combination.

Your Industry Has Volatile Costs Per Click

If CPCs in your industry vary frequently, manual bidding gives you the flexibility to make quick bid changes to match market conditions. You can lower bids when CPCs spike to avoid overpaying and raise them again when costs decrease.

Automated Bidding in Google Ads: Tips for Optimization

Adjust Budgets to Maximize Conversions

Allocating the appropriate daily budget for your campaigns and ad groups is key. The average conversion rate in Google Ads in 2023 is 7.04%, so why not get the best out of it? Set higher budgets for high-performing areas to increase traffic, and lower budgets for underperforming areas. Monitor how changes impact on your conversion rates and cost per conversion and make further adjustments as needed.

Enable Enhanced CPC Bidding

Enhanced CPC (eCPC) lets Google adjust your bids in real-time based on conversion probability. eCPC may increase your keyword/ad group/placement bid by up to 30%.

Set Appropriate CPA and ROAS Targets

If you want to maximize conversion value, set target cost-per-acquisition (CPA), or return on ad spend (ROAS) bids. Google Ads will then adjust bids to help you achieve your targets. To use Target ROAS bidding, most campaign types need at least 15 conversions in the past 30 days. Start with moderate targets, review performance, and adjust as needed. More aggressive targets may reduce traffic.

Add Negative Keywords

Add negative keywords, especially for high-performing ad groups, to avoid irrelevant traffic and wasted spending. Review search terms reports to identify negatives to add.

Review Top Movers' Report

The top mover's report shows significant changes in impression share or position for your ads. Review the report regularly to check if changes were due to adjustments, you made or external factors. Function as needed to re-optimize performance.

Advanced Strategies: Bid Adjustments & Device Bidding

Bid Adjustments

Businesses may modify their bids for keywords, devices, locations, or schedules. These modifications provide organizations flexibility and control, enabling them to track how they affect key performance indicators (KPIs) for further optimization.

Device Bidding

Device bidding enables the placement of distinct bids for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, enabling the development of customized tactics based on user behaviors and conversion rates. This tactic may be modified to meet various business requirements, such as lowering tablet prices or raising desktop bids during office hours.

Final Words

For Google Ads campaigns to succeed, bid strategies are essential. Make strategic judgments, keep an eye on performance, and make necessary adjustments using both automated and manual methods. There are benefits to using manual bidding versus automated processes. The rest is up to you - go forth and conquer the digital world!


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