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Jasper Review: A Robust AI Content Tool But Is It Enough?

There is no getting around the fact that AI is transforming our lives - saving us a great deal of time and resources every day. Especially in recent years, we have seen some really advanced AI models like ChatGPT and Bard, and they are becoming more and more accessible. And today we are reviewing a tool that is designed to help transform businesses and their marketing campaigns.

It is Jasper! Among marketing professionals, it has become quite a household name but if you are not familiar with it, don’t worry! As always, let’s start with a quick introduction. Then we will dig deeper into what makes Jasper so popular and if you should consider it as well.

Let’s get started.

What is Jasper?

Simply put, Jasper is an AI-powered content marketing tool. And just like other AI tools, it runs on large language models that have read a lot of content on the Internet. According to its website, when using Jasper, you don’t have to choose between different AI models like ChatGPT or Bard - Jasper automatically does it for you.

Before generating any piece of content, Jasper goes through recent Google search results, and then an editorial check for grammar - which makes sense if it has to stay accurate and relevant. Also, this tool has the capability to translate to 30+ languages, a handy feature if you are targeting audiences overseas.

Brand Voice

The problem with AI-generated content is that it often feels generic, and not fresh - which, let's face it, is every content marketer’s worst nightmare. Such content consistently performs poorly in search results, defeating the whole purpose. Besides, it comes out all over the place with little control over language and tone. This is where Jasper does things differently. The tool has an option to add your unique brand voice. Sounds refreshing, doesn’t it?

Well, when getting started with Jasper, you are first required to train it for your brand voice. You do it by adding a writing style guide. It can be a simple document or a link to some relevant examples. Once you upload your guide, the next step is to add ‘memory’ or data about your company, products or services, who your audiences are, and maybe a campaign brief - Jasper, then, quickly analyzes it to understand and learn your tone.

The beauty of it all is that you can add as many ‘memories’ or brand voices as you want and the next time you need Jasper to create content for your business or campaign, you can simply select a brand voice from a drop-down menu.


All your campaigns live on the ‘Campaigns’ tab of the Jasper dashboard. When creating a new marketing campaign, simply go to ‘Create campaign,’ give it a name, select a brand voice you previously added, and then fill out the campaign summary.

Next, it prompts you to select assets you would like Jasper to generate for the campaign - blog posts, case studies, Facebook ad images, landing pages, email sequences, TikTok or podcast scripts, Twitter threads, Google text ads, Facebook video ads, press releases and more. And that’s it!

Jasper Chat

This is where the magic happens. Just like ChatGPT, Jasper is equipped with a dedicated chat box where you tell it what to generate based on a prompt. Now, you don’t have to be a prompt engineer to get the results you want to see. Well, after you type in the prompt, there is an option called ‘Enhance prompt,’ which is not usually seen in many AI-based tools.

Another interesting thing is the flexibility to choose a preference in terms of speed or quality - a way to tell Jasper whether you want it to generate content more quickly or of higher quality (which, of course, may take longer).

Content Creation

Jasper is designed to handle all your business and marketing content needs. Whether you need marketing emails, ad copies, blog posts, or other sorts of long-form content, website content, or press releases, it can generate all that for you. Unlike tools like ChatGPT or Notion AI, Jasper has the capabilities to create SEO-optimized content based on the latest information from Google, which makes a huge difference when you are operating as a business.

When creating long-form SEO articles, Jasper requires you to fill out a short content description, specify a tone of voice, give it some keywords you want to target, and finally choose the length of the content - small, medium, or large. And voila! If you would like Jasper to finetune the output, simply add your feedback or instructions in the chat box. If you switch to the Power Mode, you can access a number of ready-to-go templates built for each marketing use case including clever captions and marketing angles.

Jasper Everywhere

Jasper can be accessed from within a number of platforms - thanks to Jasper Everywhere. Some of these platforms include Webflow (with a dedicated Jasper Webflow app), Google BigQuery, Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Chrome (as a browser extension), Zapier, Make, Surfer SEO, and Grammarly.

Apart from integrations with third-party apps, Jasper can also be added to your own platform with Jasper API.

AI Tools Library

Now let’s talk about Jasper’s library of AI writing tools and generators. This library is designed to help anyone with day-to-day tasks such as writing emails, designing resumes, creating images for blogs, writing hashtags, etc.

There are over 30 tools and generators (which are free by the way) including Blog Header Image Generator, Resignation Letter Generator, Resume Generator, Sentence Rewriter, Instagram Caption Generator, Paraphrasing Tool, Product Description Generator, YouTube Script Writer, and more.


Jasper has three pricing plans - Business (price available upon request), Teams ($99/month), and Creator ($39/month).

The Business plan features unlimited seats, custom templates, API access, and other advanced features. The Teams plan is more suited to the needs of small teams with 3 seats, 3 brand voices, and 150 knowledge assets. Lastly, the Creator plan is for creative individuals and includes only 1 seat, 1 brand voice, 50 knowledge assets, and SEO mode.

Final Thoughts

When compared to similar tools in the market, Jasper stands out. Sure, it is not a complete suite for marketing, but it does the specific job it was designed to do quite well. A rare feature that Jasper boasts is its Brand Voice - being able to add your own unique brand tone to your content is quite frankly something else.

The platform is intuitive and offers a wide array of options to integrate it into your workflow. Pricewise, it is not the most expensive marketing solution. So if you are looking for an AI tool for generating content for your campaigns, there is a slim chance that you will find something better than Jasper.

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