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5 Funny Commercials That Cracked Up The Audience Instantly

Brands keep trying to outperform each other with smart and funny commercials. If done right, humor in advertising can play a key role in drawing the viewer’s attention and interest. And that precisely explains the abundance of funny commercials today.

With that said, let’s get started with our #FunnyFridays series where we bring to you some of the funniest commercials from across the globe. Let’s explore the funniest commercials- some of these truly deserve a standing ovation from us.

1. Chevrolet (2012)

Imagine being gifted a brand new Chevrolet by your parents upon your graduation. Sounds awesome, right? Now imagine being told that the car wasn’t for you or isn’t yours. I know, it can give heartbreak to the best of us. But Chevrolet came up with one such ad- and it was hilarious!

For Super Bowl 2012, Chevrolet released an ad that showed a young college graduate dancing in exhilaration along with his friends when he’s told by his parents that they have a gift for him. The guy thinks that his present is a car. However, just then his neighbor comes and drives away with the car. The guy’s innocent reaction will leave you in splits.

2. Kia Niro (2017)

From falling off trees while saving them to being kicked and ‘horned’ around by rhinos while protecting wildlife, there’s no limit to things that environmentalists do to protect the environment. As this ad puts it, being an eco-warrior isn’t easy. And that’s when they come up with their impressive product placement.

Dear Greta, we adults wouldn’t take you seriously until you pull off something like Melissa McCarthy in this ad.

3. Doritos (2016)

Imagine humans moving in the direction of an object. Now imagine if the same were to happen to unborn babies. Scary, right? Well, not if it’s a Doritos ad.

This ad from Doritos in 2016 shows a pregnant lady receiving a sonogram where the baby is being shown on the screen. The father is munching in on Doritos when he notices the baby moving its arms in the direction of the chip. The baby can no longer stand it and emerges from the womb to grab its own chip.

Although the ad doesn’t have any logic, it is genuinely funny. No wonder the advertisers paid up $5 million for a 30-second spot on TV.

4. Budweiser (2006)

Imagine a group of adults, all going WAASSSSSUPPPPPPP over a phone call. This ad from Budweiser builds upon the brand’s iconic commercials from the late 90s to show a group of men chilling while having their beers.

While the ad is funny, it also reflects upon how men tend to be when they are around their friends. And in the process, Budweiser places its product as the means to get to that carefree state. Well done, guys!

5. Lindt Chocolate (2011)

Imagine being held up at the airport and being checked out by the female security personnel. I know, I know, many men would take no umbrage to it😂 Now imagine if you were carrying a box of chocolates which is taken from you. Now you seem to care, don’t you?

Well, no wonder Roger Federer too wasn’t too pleased in this ad. He didn’t seem to mind much as long as they were just checking him out.😂

Bottom Line

Humor is a great way to connect with your audience. And if you manage to infuse it into your content the right way, it can certainly help you drive brand awareness and even purchase consideration at times. The trick is to not overdo it so that it doesn’t come off as rather offensive. Moderation, you see, is the key, my friends.

We'll be back next week with more next hilarious ads. Till then, stay tuned!


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