Conversion rate optimization has been a hot topic on the web for a long time. As a marketer, it's critical to eliminate all barriers to conversion. To accomplish this, track your conversion rate and figure out why the leads aren't converting on your site. Whatever the cause is, I'm sure you're adding or improving the factors below that will lead to higher conversion rates.
Optimize Page Speed
Having a good page speed score is important to the success of your website, and page speed scores are directly related to your conversion rate. About 40% of people abandon websites that take more than three seconds to load, and a single second delay in page response on a mobile device can reduce conversions by 7%.
To avert such a situation, you must focus on the page speed of your website. Search for a new hosting provider, add a CDN, compress the image, and use cache if you aren't. Once you are sure that speed has been improved, run your page using Geokeeper to know how fast or slow your page is loading from multiple locations around the world.
Shorten Your Form and Remove Unnecessary Fields
Single opt-in forms are good for conversions. Simplicity helps in conversions, and you'll establish trust among your audience - by shortening your forms users are also more likely to finish them since they take less time to complete.
The more you focus on reducing the number of fields, the higher your conversion rate will be. Easy-to-read layouts also increase conversions because these types of forms load faster than complicated ones with lots of graphics and text. It's important to test various layouts to find what works best for you, though.
Come Up With Strong CTAS
A major aspect of conversion is your call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA might be to download an offer, join your email newsletter or share a post on social media. Whatever it is, make sure your website and landing pages have strong and attractive CTAs.
CTAs like "Sign up" and "Start trial" will not improve your conversion rates. Try to think out of the box and spend a few minutes enhancing the text to experience conversion rate improvement.
Add a Live Chat Option to Your Site
Web users don't like to speak over the phone, and you shouldn't push them towards it. Instead, allow them to communicate with you through a live chat feature on your website.
Live chat allows visitors to ask questions and get answers immediately. If someone is browsing your site, they may have some problems or questions about it; make it easy for them by adding a live chat option so they can contact you at any time. You can also use an AI-powered chatbot to address user queries on your site.
Cut the Jargons!
People are more likely to read simple text than one filled with jargon. The simpler your content, the better it is for conversions. Simplifying sentences and using words that people understand will help them move ahead on your site without getting distracted.
Remember that your sales copy should be easy to read and understand, and adding unnecessary verbs and nouns will only frustrate your visitors. Save the fancy words for another place and keep your website simple, to the point, and effective by removing all the jargon-filled content on it.
Take Advantage of Social Proof
Positive reviews and customer feedback is important to 92% of consumers, and they consider reading them when making a purchase. Without a doubt, your conversion rate is influenced by your reputation and online presence. That's why you should use social proof on your website. You may include a link to your Yelp or any other directory site where consumers have left comments.
Testimonials and ratings can help with conversions because most people trust what others say about a product or service more than the company itself. You may also include testimonials on your site so that people do not have to go elsewhere to read them.
Conversion optimization is a key element of successful digital marketing strategies. By following the steps mentioned above, you will improve your site's conversion rate and revenue in no time. Make sure you test and analyze every step - test every version of your page to see how users respond; observe their behavior and make changes accordingly.